Ansitz Goller
323 m from hotel
A guide to great places near Smy Koflerhof Wellness & Spa Dolomiti
323 m from hotel
Bella struttura con zona benessere e sala da pranzo curate e accoglienti. Personale molto gentile e preparato. Cucina ottima, ricercata e squisita
478 m from hotel
Rasun di Sopra 73
0.7 km from hotel
When Belgium has 'krokusvakantie' this place is crowded by Belgians. Awesome! Also ask Dejan for his special cocktails, and just order an 'pintje' he understands!
1.1 km from hotel
Rasun di Sotto 9
1.1 km from hotel
2.3 km from hotel
2.4 km from hotel
Niederrasen Radun Di Sotto
Auch am Bahnhof alle Urlaubsinfos am Infopoint des Tourismusvereins Olang verfügbar
3.0 km from hotel
Probieren Sie unsere Wildererpfanndl! Assagiate il nostro tegamino del braconiere!
3.5 km from hotel
Kirchgasse 7
Lasciate lo spazio nella pancia per i dolci fatti in casa. Buonissimi!
4.7 km from hotel
South Tyrol's ski mountain number one
9.1 km from hotel